CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction

Tag Archives: coolsculpting beverly hills

Liposuction | CoolSculpting | Weight Loss | Los Angeles | Beverly HillsAccumulation of stubborn fat tissue in certain areas of the body such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, arms, neck, and calves is a common problem for both men and women today. People with moderate body weight may suffer from poor body contours due to excess fat pockets. If the fats are resistant to diet or exercise, it is possible to improve body contours with certain surgical and non-surgical treatments.

Among cosmetic surgery treatments, liposuction is a proven and effective solution to address fat pockets and lose fat. However, many people are keen to avoid surgery for an aesthetic procedure. They may opt for CoolSculpting, which is a widely accepted non-invasive treatment for fat loss. This treatment will simply freeze the fat away to cause its disintegration and gradual elimination from the body. Board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Gary Motykie, provides both liposuction and CoolSculpting options to his patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding communities.

Liposuction Overview

One of the most popular techniques to perform liposuction plastic surgery is the tumescent technique. This is a more conservative option, which can avoid the use of general anesthesia. The procedure involves an application of a local anesthetic along with a saline solution combined with adrenaline to minimize bleeding and keep the patient relaxed.

Through an incision made in the affected area, the surgeon will insert a slender cannula to dislodge targeted fat cells. The unwanted fat will be suctioned out with a syringe attached to the cannula. The procedure may be chosen by patients who are not averse to the idea of undergoing a surgery for fat reduction.

CoolSculpting Overview

In contrast to an invasive procedure such as liposuction, CoolSculpting offers a radically different and completely non-invasive solution to fat reduction. The procedure does not involve any incisions or injections, and employs an innovative cooling process that is designed to freeze the fat off. The patient remains totally comfortable throughout the procedure and the unwanted fats can be removed in a safe and simple manner, without any adverse impact on the surrounding healthy tissue.

Patients who are keen to lose fat from stubborn pockets without surgery may consider CoolSculpting as an option. The procedure does not involve anesthesia, and will usually involve three to five treatment sessions to achieve substantial and sustainable fat reduction outcomes. Patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby areas may receive this treatment from Dr. Motykie.

Who is a Good Candidate?

Good candidates for targeted fat reduction procedures are people who have a moderate and stable body weight, but suffer from excess fat deposits in certain areas of the body. Over time these fat deposits can become resistant to diet and exercise, which leaves the patient with treatment options such as liposuction or CoolSculpting.

Recovery Period

Liposuction surgery will typically involve a downtime of about one week to 10 days. Mild pain and discomfort may be experienced in the first few days of recovery. CoolSculpting, on the other hand, involves almost no downtime. Patients can return to their regular activities immediately. The procedure also does not involve any significant post-treatment pain or discomfort.

To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit:

CoolSculpting  Los Angeles | Beverly Hills

idl9dDfrUP3feyW8MAXWfAXNFwdtEO0VBWMH3sytAK8Excess fat pockets in certain areas of the body can adversely impact the overall appearance of the body contour. This condition has become more common among both men and women over the years due to sedentary lifestyles and several other factors.

Various surgical and non-surgical fat reduction treatments are available to enhance the body contour. Board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Gary Motykie, provides state of the art fat reduction treatments to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and other areas.

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is one of the key non-invasive treatments available today that can help people lose fat without surgery. This revolutionary solution can simple freeze the fat away, and restore a slimmer body contour in the targeted area. Dr. Motykie provides CoolSculpting treatment for patients who suffer from excess fat deposits in areas such as thighs, hips, abdomen, breasts, love handles, legs, arms, or other areas.

The CoolSculpting technique is based on the principle of disintegrating unwanted fat cells by exposing them to very cold temperature. The procedure is precise, and does not affect the healthy surrounding tissue. Patients with moderate and stable weight, but suffering from fat pockets in specific areas usually make the best candidates for CoolSculpting.

Natural Looking Results

In comparison to aesthetic surgery procedures involving fat reduction, CoolSculpting produces outcomes that are more conservative, natural looking and healthy. Unlike surgery, the results with CoolSculpting are not visible immediately. The technique will freeze the fat away, but the full disintegration of the fat cells will occur gradually over several months.

Therefore, the full results with CoolSculpting will develop over several months, and will appear more natural and sustainable. The results will be more natural looking, and not make it obvious to others that the patient has undergone a procedure to lose fat. Another advantage is that CoolSculpting is a gentle technique, and does not involve heating, extraction or shattering of cells. Dr. Motykie provides CoolSculpting to suitable candidates in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and other locations.

Minimal Downtime

One of the key advantages of CoolSculpting is that the procedure involves little or no downtime in most cases. Working people and busy mothers can opt for this procedure, if they are unwilling to choose a surgical procedure that involves a longer recovery period.

The swiftness and simplicity of CoolSculpting is a big advantage for busy patients, and the procedure can fit into their busy lifestyle. After a single treatment session during lunch hour, a patient may even return back to work as usual.


A single session of CoolSculpting will last for about 30 minutes to one hour, depending on the area of treatment involved. Some patients may achieve their aesthetic goals within a single treatment, while some others may require multiple sessions.

Results can be seen after the first session, but will continue to develop with additional treatment sessions and the passage of the recovery period. The full impact of the treatment becomes visible over several months as the body disposes of the frozen fat cells in its natural course.

To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit:


CoolSculpting | Non Surgical | Med Spa | Los AngelesYour Los Angeles CoolSculpting Med Spa

Accumulation of unwanted fats in some areas of the body can cause distortion of the body contours and compromise the overall appearance of a woman or a man. One of the most effective and advanced non-surgical treatments to lose fat in a safe and efficient way is CoolSculpting.

Motykie Med Spa, led by board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Gary Motykie, is a premier provider of innovative fat reduction solutions such as CoolSculpting. The procedure involves a unique cooling process that is designed to freeze the fat away without any incisions, cuts, injections or anesthesia. Motykie medical spa provides this treatment to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding areas.

Expertise in Health, Wellness, and Beauty

The Los Angeles CoolSculpting medical spa, Motykie Med Spa, pursues total patient satisfaction in every non-invasive and minimally invasive procedure. Dr. Motykie and his team are committed to keeping every patient’s health, wellness and beauty as the topmost priority. The team of trained and experienced aesthetic experts at the medical spa is in a position to provide state of the art treatments in body contouring, skin care, laser treatments, and injectables.

The medical spa treatments such as CoolSculpting are available to help the patients lose fat without surgery, and restore more even looking body contours. Patients have the privilege to receive long term customized treatment planning that can help them achieve the most appealing physical appearance. Procedures are performed under the guidance and direction of highly experienced and dedicated plastic surgeon, Dr. Motykie.

Equipped with Advanced Technologies

Motykie Medical Spa, the well-known Los Angeles CoolSculpting Med Spa, is fitted with state of the art equipment to address a variety of body contouring, skin care, aesthetic, and anti-aging concerns. Advanced CoolSculpting technology is available, which can simply freeze the fat off from unwanted stubborn fat pockets, and produce more attractive and slimmer contours in areas such as the waist, buttocks, thighs, calves, arms, neck, and cheeks.

The team at the medical spa, led by Dr. Motykie, believes in the approach of healing the body from inside out. This can help achieve most natural looking, sustainable, and attractive outcomes in every procedure. The goal at the med spa is to help patients prevent and correct aesthetic problems, and maintain the positive results for a long time. The medical spa provides CoolSculpting and other treatments to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby locations.

Benefits of CoolSculpting

Results with CoolSculpting procedure are more natural looking because it reduces the unwanted fat deposits gradually. The targeted fat cells are disintegrated due to the cooling process, and leave the body in a natural way over a few months to help restore a slimmer contour. The procedure avoids the typical risks and side effects that may be associated with an invasive surgical fat reduction procedure.

CoolSculpting procedure does not involve any aggressive extraction, heating or shattering of fat cells. Its unique FDA cleared cooling process, which was developed by Harvard scientists, simply freezes the fat away gently. The procedure does not involve any significant risks or downtime.

To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit:

CoolSculpting | Zeltiq | Laser Lipolysis | Non Surgical | Beverly HillsCoolSculpting vs. Laser Lipolysis

Many people suffer from unsightly fat pockets in certain areas of the body such as the thighs, hips, waist, breast, love handles, calves, knees, neck, and cheeks. A number of surgical as well as non-surgical fat reduction procedures are available today, which can help the patient achieve a more even body contour. The goal of these procedures is to make the patient lose fat, but these are not essentially weight loss procedures.

Some techniques are available to freeze the fat away, while other techniques are heat-based to allow the unwanted fat to melt away. Dr. Gary Motykie provides both surgical and non-surgical fat reduction procedures. Patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding communities have an opportunity to receive state of the art fat reduction treatments from Dr. Motykie.

CoolSculpting by Zeltiq

CoolSculpting has emerged in recent years as a highly popular non-invasive procedure to reduce excess fat deposits. The procedure involves an innovative cooling technique to lose fat gradually and without causing any damage to the surrounding healthy tissue. The cooling applicator is used to freeze the fat away in targeted areas. A single target area is marked at one time and frozen for about 45 minutes in a single treatment session.

The frozen cell gradually disintegrates and gets removed from the body in a natural way. The entire treatment process may require about four to five treatment sessions on average. Results can be customized to a fair extent and will be usually quite predictable. The procedure does not involve general anesthesia and avoids all the typical risks and potential side effects associated with a surgery. Dr. Motykie provides CoolSculpting to suitable candidates in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and other areas.

Laser Lipolysis

Laser lipolysis procedure is also a non-invasive treatment, but it is radically different from the principle applied in CoolSculpting. Laser lipolysis involves the use of laser energy to heat up the targeted area. The targeted fat cells are burned with a strong laser fiber. The heat energy generated through the laser beam eliminates the fat cells. However, this is a strong treatment that carries the risk of destroying the blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatics as well as the overlying skin. The procedure must be performed by a highly skilled professional in order to minimize the risks of permanent skin injury.

Other Differences

CoolSculpting is usually more effective if the patient suffers from larger areas of fat deposits. Abdominal area, back, love handles, thighs, hips are among the larger surface areas that can be addressed effectively with this technique. If the fat pockets are very tiny and the skin is tight, laser lipolysis may be used. Even if CoolSculpting involves treatment to larger areas, but the results may be visible a little faster in this procedure compared to laser lipolysis.

CoolSculpting is usually performed as a standalone procedure because of its effectiveness. Results appear gradually and look more natural. Laser lipolysis, on the other hand, may typically be combined with regular liposuction surgery. More pain and discomfort may be involved with laser lipolysis as compared to CoolSculpting.

To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit:

Coolsculpting | Non Surgical Fat Removal | Beverly Hills | Los AngelesFat Removal Treatment (CoolSculpting)

CoolSculpting ranks among the more popular non-surgical fat reduction treatments today. The treatment enables the patient to lose fat from targeted areas of the body without having to undergo surgery or even an injection. Dr. Gary Motykie is a board certified plastic surgeon providing state of the art surgical and non-surgical aesthetic treatments. He provides CoolSculpting procedure to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and nearby communities who are looking for outstanding, state of the art, and splendid fat reduction alternatives to surgery.

Unique Cooling Technology

Unlike many heat-based fat reduction non-surgical techniques, CoolSculpting adopts a unique cooling technique to freeze the fat away. The procedure exposes the specific area of the body that is affected by stubborn fat deposits to a strong cooling effect. This exposure causes disintegration of the targeted fat cells, which gradually get eliminated from the body in a natural way. CoolSculpting employs a patented technique called cryolipolysis to achieve the desired outcomes in a safe, natural looking manner.

Suitable Candidates

In Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and other areas, Dr. Gary Motykie provides CoolSculpting treatment to candidates who are well-suited to benefit from it. The candidate should be keen to lose fat in specific areas of the body without surgery, but should not be obese or excessively overweight. If the stubborn fat pockets have not responded to diet or exercise, Dr. Motykie may recommend CoolSculpting treatment.

Length of the Procedure

The length of CoolSculpting treatment will depend on the extent of area that needs to be treated for fat reduction. On average, one treatment session of CoolSculpting may last for about one to three hours. Just a single treatment is adequate for many patients, but some people may need to undergo multiple treatment sessions for more effective results. The treatment provider will devise a customized approach to freeze the fat away in a most comprehensive manner for a particular patient.

Results and Recovery

One of the key advantages that makes CoolSculpting a treatment of choice for many people is that the results are more natural looking and not sudden or drastic. Most patients will start noticing the improvement in about three weeks. More conspicuous results will start becoming visible in about eight to 10 weeks following the treatment. The extent of results will depend on what scale of treatment was delivered, and the individual body condition of the patient.

However, in most cases, the results may continue to appear for up to four to six months as the body’s metabolism will continue to flush out disintegrated fat cells. The procedure involves practically no downtime, and the patient can resume their normal routine or go back to work immediately after the treatment. CoolSculpting is a targeted procedure, and does not harm the healthy surrounding skin. The procedure also does not involve any application of anesthesia, and there is no significant pain or discomfort during or after the procedure.

Common areas where CoolSculpting can be performed with effective results include the abdomen, thighs, hips, breasts, and love handles.

To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit:

Coolsculpting | Loose Fat | Beverly Hills | West Hollywood | Los AngelesAlthough eating healthy, sticking to a diet and regular exercising are all good for losing weight the healthy way, and maintaining or achieving that toned and trim body you’ve always dreamed of, some people might need a helping hand once in a while. That’s why body contouring, whether it’s a tummy tuck, an arm or breast lift, a butt lift, a fat transfer, a mommy makeover, liposuction or a thigh lift, has taken the cosmetic surgery market by storm.

Popularity of cryolipolysis

Many people, mostly models and actors, need to get in shape as quickly as possible, to make it big in their careers and most of the time, taking the healthy route of diet and exercise takes too long to lose all that body fat, which is why body contouring is one of the most popular and frequently performed plastic surgeries out there today.

One of the methods of body contouring, or reshaping or restructuring is using a medical device called cryolipolysis or also known as Coolsculpting. Coolsculpting, as the name itself suggests, is  a much more complicated medical term for ‘fat freezing’. It is used to slowly kill fat cells in the body that cause fat accumulation in certain “problem areas” like the arms, neck, abdomen, waist, buttocks and thighs. The scientific principle behind cryolipolysis is using a much less or non-invasive technique of local reduction of fat deposits in the body, by a method of controlled cooling, using this device.


This controlled cooling of loose fat deposits in certain areas of the body, help to reduce the fat accumulation, and reshape the body contours into a shapelier and appealing figure. The parts of the body that are exposed to cooling slowly lose the fat deposits because the cooling effect causes the cells in those areas to die, thereby melting the subcutaneous fat tissue in that specific area, without causing much damage to the overlying or surrounding tissue or skin. This procedure is  preferred to liposuction, because it is much less invasive and dangerous compared to liposuction. It is actually termed to be a non-surgical procedure or method of fat reduction, and body shaping or contouring.

The word “cryolipolysis” is actually a linguistic blend or combination of the two words, “cryogenic” and “lipolysis”. Cryogenic lipolysis is nothing but the process of using the technique of controlled cooling on the desired body areas to reduce localized fat deposits that is very similar to the process used in coolsculpting. Zeltiq is the creator of cryolipolysis, but there are many other machines that have imitated Zeltiq technology, for fat freezing.

Dr. Gary Motykie is a pioneer in the field of plastic surgery and specializes in the different procedures of body contouring, including coolsculpting. His clinic is located at 9201, West Sunset Boulevard, GF-1, West Hollywood, CA, 90069. His many years of knowledge and experience, along with his profound team of experts, will make sure to provide the patient with the best levels of consultation, pre-treatment and post-treatment procedures, which will leave the patient  healthier and happier.

To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit:

Coolsculpting | Dr. Gary Motykie Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon | Los AngelesDo you find it difficult to reduce fat in specific areas of your body, even after months of exercise? Does your body tend to bulge in places that are difficult to be targeted by regular exercise? Do you need to lose weight, but don’t have the time to go to the gym or opt for surgery? Fret not, because CoolSculpting machines are here for you! Motykie Medical Spa has two CoolSculpting machines now that use superior non surgical technology to help you target that bulging spot and give you the body shape you desire. This safe procedure is guaranteed to give you the desired body contour without any side effects whatsoever.

What is CoolSculpting?

Are you still a bit skeptical about the existence of a safe procedure that will help you lose fat only in specific areas of your body? Perhaps understanding the science behind CoolSculpting will address some of the questions you may have in mind. Let us take a look at this procedure minutely.

CoolSculpting, also known as programmed cell death, is an FDA approved method of subjecting stubborn body fat in specific parts of the body to controlled freezing. In this process, the fat cells in the body freeze up to a point where they break up into fragments and leave the body naturally. This non surgical treatment offers a permanent solution to stubborn fat in areas like thighs, waist, hips, abdomen, and lower back.

What are the advantages of this procedure?

CoolSculpting is becoming one of the most popular procedures for spot reducing fat. It has several advantages over surgical methods of fat reduction. Some of the benefits of the CoolSculpting technology are:

  • It is a non invasive procedure that is typically much safer than invasive surgeries.
  • The treatment offers a permanent solution to fat in specific areas that can’t be reduced by exercise.
  • Risks associated with surgery such as hospital-borne diseases and blood loss can be avoided.
  • Noticeable and lasting results are guaranteed by this medically tested procedure.
  • There are no side effects for this treatment.
  • With no anesthesia given, the procedure takes less than an hour to complete, and you can go home immediately after it’s over.
  • The fat cells in the specific area are alone targeted, ensuring that the surrounding tissues are not impacted.
  • The treatment is guaranteed to be pleasing from an aesthetic point of view.
  • The procedure guarantees that fat cells do not reappear in the areas that are already treated.
  • There is no pain or discomfort to the patient after the procedure.

Still not sure if CoolSculpting is the right procedure for you? If you live in and around the Beverly Hills, West Hollywood and Los Angeles areas, request an appointment for an initial consultation with Dr. Gary Motykie, the board certified plastic surgeon at Motykie Med Spa, to address any queries you may have about the procedure and to discuss your treatment options today.

To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit:

CoolSculpting vs Thermage | Beverly Hills | Los Angeles Body ContouringCoolSculpting and Thermage are two innovative, non-surgical treatments to reduce unwanted fat and provide enhance body contours. However, both the technologies involve radically different treatment approaches to the same problem of fat removal from stubborn fat pockets in the body. Dr. Gary Motykie provides a wide range of surgical as well as non-surgical aesthetic and anti-aging treatments to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding communities.

What is CoolSculpting?

Patients who are looking to lose fat without surgery may consider CoolSculpting by Zeltiq. This revolutionary technology is designed to freeze the fat and eliminate it from the targeted fat pockets in the body. The procedure involves focused exposure to a cooling device that targets unwanted fat cells and freezes them off. The frozen cells eventually disintegrate in a natural way and get removed through the lymphatic system.

The treatment involves no incisions, needles or other invasive approaches. The patient can achieve the desired results gradually in a natural looking manner and without any pain or discomfort. There is no downtime involved in this fat loss procedure, and patients can go back to work immediately or resume their daily routine. CoolSculpting avoids all the typical risks and potential side effects that may be associated with a surgical procedure.

CoolSculpting Procedure

The cooling device is positioned carefully over the targeted area of the body. The bulge will get suctioned into the device as it is gently trapped between two cooling panels. The patient will feel a firm pull into the device while the treatment is in progress. Each treatable area will be exposed to the cooling procedure for about one hour.

Multiple treatment sessions are usually required to achieve the desired results. When the procedure is performed by an experienced and certified treatment provider, it will achieve optimal outcomes in the target area without causing any damage to the surrounding healthy tissue.

What is Thermage?

Thermage is a minimally invasive procedure designed to reduce fat and tighten loose skin. Unlike CoolSculpting, which freezes the fat, Thermage involves melting of the fat with gentle heat. The patient will lose fat as the radiofrequency energy is focused on targeted fat cells in a controlled manner. The disintegrated cells will gradually get removed from the body through the natural process of urination.

Thermage Procedure

The heat energy is delivered through a thin cannula that is inserted underneath the patient’s skin. The energy heats the deeper layers of the tissue, causing the fat to melt and preparing for its ejection from the body. In some cases, the heat in the deeper skin layers may also stimulate the natural production of collagen, and help improve the condition of skin laxity in the treated areas.

Key Difference

The key difference between this procedure and CoolSculpting is that it involves insertion of a cannula into the deeper layers of the skin for direct delivery of heat energy. CoolSculpting, on the other hand, is a completely non-invasive procedure and does not involve any cuts, incisions, or injections.

To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit:

CoolSculpting and Smart Lipo are non-surgical procedures to reduce excess fat deposits in specific areas of the body. However, both procedures are fundamentally different. The goal in CoolSculpting is to freeze the fat up to a point where the targeted fat cells disintegrate and eventually get released from the body in a natural manner. Smart Lipo or Slim Lipo, on the other hand, is a laser based procedure that involves heating of the affected area to reduce unwanted fats.


Preference for CoolSculpting

The aim in both techniques is to help the patient lose fat without invasive surgery. However, in case of CoolSculpting, many patients prefer the procedure because it does not involve heating up of the fats, which makes it very safe and free from side effects. The downtime involved in case of CoolSculpting is practically nothing. The patient can undergo the procedure in less than hour, and simply go back to work after the treatment session.

Dr. Gary Motykie provides CoolSculpting procedure for patients who are keen to reduce unwanted fat pockets in areas such as the waist, hips, thighs, back, and other parts without surgery. Patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding areas have an opportunity to receive this state of the art treatment at Dr. Motykie’s practice. While the comparison between CoolSculpting and Smart Lipo may not be a fair one because of the two different treatment approaches involved, but several experts believe that CoolSculpting is a superior option.
Smart Lipo, unlike CoolSculpting’s freeze the fat technique, is based on laser targeting. The technique helps the patient lose fat by focusing intense laser heat on the targeted area. But the challenge in this treatment may be that surrounding healthy tissue may be impacted, which could induce undesirable side effects. This is where CoolSculpting technique scores better because it does not pose any risk to the neighboring healthy tissue.

Permanent Solution

The unwanted fat cells that are targeted in the CoolSculpting process usually do not re-appear in the same area. The fat cells are disintegrated at a controlled temperature, which induces apopotisis or programmed cell death. In that sense, the procedure provides a permanent solution. Patient satisfaction rates seem to be significantly higher in case of CoolSculpting for a variety of reasons.

However, the final choice of the procedure ultimately depends on the patient. Some patients will prefer a more invasive solution such as plastic surgery. Some others may be keen to avoid anesthesia, recovery time and the typical risks associated with a surgery. Dr. Motykie will carefully discuss various treatment options with his patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and other areas at the time of initial consultation.

Smart Lipo is considered to be a minimally invasive procedure by many experts, while CoolSculpting is a completely non-invasive procedure. Patients who are looking for completely risk-free fat reduction treatment with no discomfort or pain, and no downtime involved, may be more suited for CoolSculpting. The best decision for each patient may be taken in consultation with the surgeon, while taking into account the patient’s aesthetic needs.

To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit:


CoolSculpting is a non-invasive fat procedure designed to help a patient lose fat in a safe, effective, and predictable manner. The procedure has gained rapid popularity ever since it was introduced, and has revolutionized the area of non-surgical aesthetic treatments.

Dr. Gary Motykie provides this innovative and proven treatment to help patients reduce unwanted fat pockets without having to undergo surgery. Patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding areas have an opportunity to receive this treatment at Dr. Motykie’s medical spa.

Different from Other Treatments

CoolSculpting adopts a unique technology that is designed to simply freeze the fat away. Most non-invasive fat reduction solutions are thermal based or laser based. The goal of these treatments is to heat the deeper layers of fat in order to eliminate the unwanted fat cells. Surgical treatments, on the other hand, are invasive and disrupt the hardened fat deposits and remove them aggressively.

Against all these treatment approaches, CoolSculpting follows a completely radical approach of treating the targeted fat deposits with a cooling process. The unique and patented method employed in CoolSculpting to lose fat is known as cryolipolysis. Unwanted fat cells disintegrate with focused application of cold temperature, and gradually exit from the body system in a natural way. Patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and other areas may learn more about this treatment during at consultation with Dr. Motykie.

Advantages of CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is a completely safe and painless way to lose unwanted fat pockets and achieve an improved body contour. It avoids all the potential risks and side effects that are typically associated with a surgery. The procedure involves no downtime, which makes it ideal for busy or working patients. Results appear gradually, which makes the fat reduction process look more natural and not sudden or conspicuous.

Vanquish System of Fat Reduction

Vanquish Fat Removal SystemWhile CoolSculpting has been around for several years now, but Vanquish is one of the more recent technologies to lose fat in a non-surgical way. This innovative treatment has been developed by BTL Aesthetics. The treatment process is based on radio frequency technology, which is completely different from the cooling technology used in CoolSculpting.

Some fat reduction aesthetic experts believe that Vanquish may go on to achieve the next level in body contouring. While the success of CoolSculpting has been roundly lauded by experts for a few years now, Vanquish appears to be a new solution for people who are willing to try a different treatment approach to reduce fat. Supporters of Vanquish system say it is a fast, safe and effective way to treat unwanted fats in an entire field without downtime.

Heat-based Technology

The key difference between Vanquish and CoolSculpting is that Vanquish is a heat-based treatment approach. The procedure involves the placement of a radio frequency panel over the targeted area for about half an hour. The RF emitted from the panel heats the surface skin to about 40 degrees Celsius, and the temperature of the underlying fat cells may reach temperatures up to 45 degrees Celsius. This intense heat is sufficient to destruct fat cells.

To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit:

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