CoolSculpting vs. Laser Lipolysis

CoolSculpting vs. Laser LipolysisCoolSculpting vs. Laser Lipolysis

Many people suffer from unsightly fat pockets in certain areas of the body such as the thighs, hips, waist, breast, love handles, calves, knees, neck, and cheeks. A number of surgical as well as non-surgical fat reduction procedures are available today, which can help the patient achieve a more even body contour. The goal of these procedures is to make the patient lose fat, but these are not essentially weight loss procedures.

Some techniques are available to freeze the fat away, while other techniques are heat-based to allow the unwanted fat to melt away. Dr. Gary Motykie provides both surgical and non-surgical fat reduction procedures. Patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding communities have an opportunity to receive state of the art fat reduction treatments from Dr. Motykie.

CoolSculpting by Zeltiq

CoolSculpting has emerged in recent years as a highly popular non-invasive procedure to reduce excess fat deposits. The procedure involves an innovative cooling technique to lose fat gradually and without causing any damage to the surrounding healthy tissue. The cooling applicator is used to freeze the fat away in targeted areas. A single target area is marked at one time and frozen for about 45 minutes in a single treatment session.

The frozen cell gradually disintegrates and gets removed from the body in a natural way. The entire treatment process may require about four to five treatment sessions on average. Results can be customized to a fair extent and will be usually quite predictable. The procedure does not involve general anesthesia and avoids all the typical risks and potential side effects associated with a surgery. Dr. Motykie provides CoolSculpting to suitable candidates in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and other areas.

Laser Lipolysis

Laser lipolysis procedure is also a non-invasive treatment, but it is radically different from the principle applied in CoolSculpting. Laser lipolysis involves the use of laser energy to heat up the targeted area. The targeted fat cells are burned with a strong laser fiber. The heat energy generated through the laser beam eliminates the fat cells. However, this is a strong treatment that carries the risk of destroying the blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatics as well as the overlying skin. The procedure must be performed by a highly skilled professional in order to minimize the risks of permanent skin injury.

Other Differences

CoolSculpting is usually more effective if the patient suffers from larger areas of fat deposits. Abdominal area, back, love handles, thighs, hips are among the larger surface areas that can be addressed effectively with this technique. If the fat pockets are very tiny and the skin is tight, laser lipolysis may be used. Even if CoolSculpting involves treatment to larger areas, but the results may be visible a little faster in this procedure compared to laser lipolysis.

CoolSculpting is usually performed as a standalone procedure because of its effectiveness. Results appear gradually and look more natural. Laser lipolysis, on the other hand, may typically be combined with regular liposuction surgery. More pain and discomfort may be involved with laser lipolysis as compared to CoolSculpting.

To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit:

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