Kybella Injections vs. CoolSculpting CoolMini for Chin Fat Reduction

Kybella Injections vs. CoolSculpting CoolMini for Chin Fat ReductionThe year 2015 saw the emergence of two unique non-surgical procedures designed to help patients lose fat in the chin area. Both these procedures, Kybella Injections and CoolMini, were cleared by the FDA for cosmetic reduction of submental fat, which typically gives an unsightly appearance of double chin.

Kybella or ATX-101 has become the first and only FDA approved injectable treatment for the reduction of submental fat deposits. CoolMini, on the other hand, does not even involve needles and is a completely non-invasive device from the creators of CoolSculpting.

While Kybella involves injecting a medication into the fat tissue, CoolMini is designed to simply freeze the fat away using a unique cooling process. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides both Kybella and CoolMini to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles CA, and surrounding communities.


Kybella Injections

Kybella has earned the FDA’s approval after scientific studies and clinical trials have shown the safety and effectiveness of this injectable procedure. Kybella treatment can be customized according to the extent of fat reduction required in the under-chin area and unique anatomical aspects of the patient’s chin and face.

Kybella enables patients to lose fat in the submental area without surgery, and delivers highly targeted results. Therefore, the patient satisfaction levels are quite high with this innovative procedure. Dr. Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles CA, and nearby areas for Kybella Injections.


How does Kybella Work?

The key ingredient of Kybella injections is deoxycholic acid, which is a natural agent found in the body to promote absorption of excess fats. Through Kybella injections, this substance is delivered directly into the stubborn submental tissue below the chin.

The medication triggers the disintegration of unwanted fat cells. The body eventually re-absorbs these dead cells, revealing an improved chin contour. The patient may require up to six treatment sessions of Kybella, each spaced one month apart.


CoolMini Procedure

The CoolMini applicator has been specially created to treat smaller and difficult-to-reach areas such as the submental area underneath the chin. The proven, scientifically designed cooling process of CoolMini will freeze the fat off, causing the destruction of isolated fat cells and their gradual removal from the body. Smaller amounts of fat tissue under the chin can be cleared quickly and efficiently with CoolMini.

A majority of patients will only need one to two CoolMini treatment sessions to reduce double chin, with each session lasting for about one hour. Nearly 20 percent of the fat in under-chin area can be reduced with the CoolMini fat reduction program.


Key Distinction

Kybella chin fat reduction will involve numerous injections in each treatment session. On the other hand, CoolMini, just like CoolSculpting, is an entirely non-invasive procedure. CoolMini does not involve any needles, medication, or even local anesthesia.

Discomfort and downtime are mostly negligible with CoolMini treatment, and the results will appear gradually in a natural looking way. Patients should weigh their options carefully before choosing the most appropriate procedure in consultation with the treatment provider.


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Kybella Injections vs. CoolSculpting CoolMini for Chin Fat Reduction

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